24 October, 2010

Melinda Confuses A Medical Emergency With Sexual Euphemism

MELINDA: Hello? 

PEGGY: Melinda! You've got to help me! My vagina's on fire!

MELINDA: Oh, what was his name?

PEGGY: Greg. I mean, it must have been him. He's been the only one in months.

MELINDA: You slut!

PEGGY: I know! But what do I do now?

MELINDA: When are you going to see him again?

PEGGY: We have another date tonight but...

MELINDA: Well, I'm sure he'll put the fire out.

PEGGY: Do you think he knows how?

MELINDA: Well, he's the one who started it. I should hope so.

PEGGY: Do you think he has a cream or something?

MELINDA: Creams are fine, I suppose. But I prefer just straight lube.

PEGGY: Will lube help?

MELINDA: Well it depends.

PEGGY: On what?

MELINDA: Whether or not you, well...you can grease the wheels on your own.

PEGGY: We were talking about cream. Now there are wheels in play?

MELINDA: Sounds fun to me! You minx!

PEGGY: This is too complicated. What do I do about the discharge though?

MELINDA: You wait.

PEGGY: For what?

MELINDA: Until it comes through. When you have yourself a uniform you hold onto it.

PEGGY: I don't know about how uniform it is, but the discharge is coming through as we speak. I think people are starting to notice. Between the color and the...

MELINDA: The discharge has come through already?

PEGGY: I think so. I'm afraid to look. But it smells like I've opened my own fishery.

MELINDA: I thought you were working accounts receivable...

PEGGY: I am.

MELINDA: You're confusing me babe. Oh, did I tell you I caught the clap again?

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