24 October, 2010

Undermining Modern Authority Figures

President: Failed deity, hyperbole enthusiast

Vice President: Failed tycoon, sociopath

Senator: Failed executive, sexual deviant

Representative: Hoping no one asks any questions

CIA Agent: Failed Tom Clancy character, black duster enthusiast

FBI Agent: Failed CIA agent, Agent Scully enthusiast

Police Officer: Failed FBI Agent, hate fuck junky

Fire Fighter: Failed arsonist

Teacher: Failed doer

Physical Education Teacher: Failed teacher

University Professor: Failed doer and pretentious about it

Feminist Litigator and Activist: Member of first wives club, ugly man-hating cunt

Pundit (Overall): Failed political analyst, attention whore

Pundit (Newscorp): Failed political analyst, attention whore, former tabloid journalist, clinically insane

Clergy: Delusional glutton for punishment

Catholic Clergy: White robe enthusiast, lazy pederast

Physician: Morphine addict

Psychiatrist (Male): Failed Physician, elderly, European, cigar and Van Dyke enthusiast

Psychiatrist (Female): Lorraine Bracco enthusiast

Satirist: Failed philosopher, pleased with self

Web Based Satirist: Suicidal

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